Top Online Marketing Tactics to Boost Your Business

Demystifying the World of Online Marketing: Top Tactics to Boost Your Business

As someone who has been in the world of online marketing for (cough) several years, I have seen and experienced the changes from simple Yellow Page listings through to the complex algorithms that we battle with today. The power changed from the business to the consumer and choice became the new marketing challenge. Where as early marketing was about look at this product do you want to buy it, it changed to look at this products and hopefully not check out the often hundreds of alternatives online. So with that in mind here are the most effective types of Online Marketing that I am seeing at this very moment that can hopefully help your business to rocket: -

1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO plays such an essential role in online marketing. In a nutshell, SEO refers to the process of optimising your website and content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). By doing so, you increase your online visibility, driving more organic (non-paid) traffic to your website. The simple truth is that people are searching for answers to their questions every second, so if you have the answer to their challenge then it makes sense for Google to match you up. Every business needs SEO as you never know who is trying to find you or your products/ services right now.

2. Content Marketing

"Content is king" – how many times have you heard this quote? Yes, it might be overused, but it's profoundly accurate. Content marketing focuses on building trust and relationships with your target audience by creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. We buy what we can see will benefit us (and of course those shiny things that don’t too), so posting is a great way to showcase you, your business, your products, your services, your values, beliefs etc. Any post that resonates with others has a chance of producing a result, from follows, likes, shares or link clicks.

3. Social Media Marketing

From Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn and Twitter, there’s never been a more expansive array of social media platforms to choose from. Social media marketing is all about leveraging the power of these platforms to engage and connect with your audience. By sharing captivating content, promoting exclusive deals, and encouraging user-generated content, you'll generate buzz and cultivate brand loyalty. Do nothing and less people are likely to find you, do plenty and you might just like the results!

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC is a type of online advertising where advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad – hence the name. Google Ads is the most popular and widely used PPC platform. This form of online marketing enables businesses to bid for ad placements in search engine sponsored links. Thus, when someone searches for a keyword related to your business, your ad may appear on top of the search results. Paying for ads is a quicker way of getting your content out in the world, unless you just happen to be an established celeb or influencer!

5. Email Marketing

Many people may perceive email marketing as 'old school,' but don't let that fool you. It remains one of the most effective ways to maintain relationships with your existing customers, nurture leads, and boost customer retention. The ability to be able to personalise content and re-market to prospects that already know about you should never be underestimated, often people just need a nudge, a few more touching points to get over the line or weren’t ready to buy at that moment but reaching out later helps them to remember you and re-think about using you again.

6. Influencer Marketing

Leveraging the power of influencers has become increasingly popular among brands, and for a good reason. Influencer marketing involves collaborating with internet personalities (influencers) who have a significant online following. These influencers create and share branded content, helping businesses reach new and engaged audiences. The win is that you cover 2 key elements - (1) the audience is extremely likely to be in your target audience (if the account has organic audience) and (2) referrals from a influencer is more powerful than selling without one.


As mentioned right at the start of this blog, things change on the daily! these 6 tips are what we are finding working for Optimise Your Marketing and our clients currently. Add to your business and see how you get on :)


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