The 100% Reason You Don’t Spend On Lead Generation

Having spent time with business owners and sending out a quick poll on Socials, the results came back in that not only confirmed what we thought but totally cemented it down! So, What is the reason that you don’t spend on Lead Generation?

Some of these came forward as credible answers from our survey…

  • Cash Issues, So Can’t Afford To Spend

  • Don’t Have The Skills To Find The Leads

  • Time, Too Busy With The Business To Lead Generate

  • Lead Gen Not In The Current Strategy/ Plan

  • We Have Enough Leads Already

  • We Can’t Handle What We Have

  • We’re Not Ready For Leads Yet, We Want To Make Sure Materials/ Process Is Right

Where as all of the above are true reasons, they can also be seen as procrastination too. For example if you could 100% guarantee a return would press go? Or if you could at least cover what you had spent, would you give it a try? It’s amazing how you find time and the mind changes when the odds change.

Is it then Risk that we are scared of? Einstein famously quoted that “doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity”. But still we don’t try different funnels and ideas because we get comfortable in our own processes, we forget to evolve (long live Woolworths and Blockbusters to name a few).

The real reason you don’t lead generate is because you are busy following the trends and normality of a typical business. Every business needs leads to Survive or Thrive but you have inherited the mindset of your peers and your competition to balance the books before spending. How do you know it’s the wrong thing to do if you haven’t tried it?

Businesses buy databases rather than lead generate themselves, Businesses connect frantically on LinkedIn rather than look at multiple platforms, Businesses neglect their websites spending their time networking instead. Time and time again Businesses do what they have always done and hope that something sticks. These Businesses are stuck and that’s why they can’t lead generate, they need to rip up the rule book and start again.

Your Business should be fun, you should enjoy testing new ideas and finding new and exciting lead funnels. So if you do nothing more today, start looking at 1 way to lead generate that you haven’t yet tried, think like your customer and build them a great experience with you.

If your Business is ‘Stuck’ with it’s Lead Generation then contact the team, we can listen to your story and help you start planning a new path(s) to try. Start by reaching out below: -


1 Very Easy ‘Must Do’ To Optimise Your Socials


How Do You Create A Successful Lead Gen Strategy?