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1 Very Easy ‘Must Do’ To Optimise Your Socials

What’s the number 1 thing every business must do to optimise their socials?

Great Bio? Hashtags? Branded Images?

All of these are great, but there is a much simpler answer which is - make it ‘Easy For Your Customer’ (especially in their journey with you). The easier it is for the customer to find and understand your business, the easier the decision when they are ready to buy. Don’t make them have to do the hard work, think about where they need to go from here.

We have seen far too many businesses for example selling a product like a T-Shirt only to click on the link that goes to the shop but not the actual product, your then expecting the customer to do all the work and try and find the item. They call it brain calories, overworking the customer to the point they say forget it. Why would you not link direct to the product or better still be able to buy there and then on that platform? (i.e. less brain calories).

To help you and your customer, focus on Links! Links! and More Links! Not ‘dodgy backlinks’ but proper Links that help the customer to get what they need. By Linking your online you are optimising your marketing and improving your opportunities to see more traffic, leads and potential sales.

Here are 3 Link Types To Get You Started With Optimising Your Socials: -

1. Link your Bio’s With LinkTree

Most platforms (especially Instagram) have one option to link your bio too, that can at best be annoying, especially if you have multiple places you would like to take your customer too. Instead use LinkTree which is a one pager of links that means that you can take your audience to more than just the homepage or just a landing page.

Instead you give your audience a choice of pages, an almost index of your business. This could also include links to your other Social Media Platforms, Competitions, Clubs and your Shop to name a few! You may also consider using call to actions in your bio just before the link, for example, see more, click here, download etc.

2. Link Your Products With Shopify

If you have products or services that you can sell online then think about selling sites like Shopify. By adding products to a shop site that integrates with your socials you are automatically giving your audience a better more seamless experience. Your customer can usually buy that item there and then without the need to leave the platform. If that’s not an option then at least link/ tag your item so that it’s instantly there upon a click!

3. Link Your Posts

Not all platforms will allow links, but where possible make the posts work for you. This could be a simple link back to your website to continue the post or hashtags that are relevant to the topic that will help with reach if nothing else. You may want to just post with no real optimising, that’s fine but you could be missing out on trends, impressions, clicks, likes and sales!

If you are like most businesses you will use your socials daily (top marks for that) but failing to think about how your customer uses your account could be having a massive impact on your goals and ROI. Stop and look through the account, the links and the posts and see if you could be creating a better journey for you and your customers to have together.

If you would like help with your Socials, Lead Gen, Optimising or any Online Marketing Questions please contact the team below