Optimise Your Marketing

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How Do You Create A Successful Lead Gen Strategy?

Let’s start with a fact, We all want or need leads, it’s a given in any business, whether trying to Survive or Thrive your head will be turned with any mention of the word ‘Lead Generation’. Hey, that’s why you are currently reading this, because you can see how you fit the leads into your business and see the big benefit! Well guess what, you just need to do the same for your own products and services. Make them fit into your customers world and show them the benefit.

It’s our belief that businesses often sell the wrong part of their business! Your customers want to understand how it will benefit them, not how you operate or what makes you so great. You buy a McDonalds because you are hungry, you listen to Spotify to make you feel good, you buy Nike running trainers to help you run. Optimise Your Marketing are the same, we help find you leads (big benefit) we don’t “sell” you the tools, processes and years of experience in our marketing. We focus on helping you with your online marketing and everything else takes care of itself.

There are always plenty of alternatives but those companies that tap into selling the benefit have greater success than those selling a product. Would you buy wealth management or a bespoke pension plan built around you? they cover the same areas but have a completely different meaning at first glance. This is a powerful lesson in your lead generation, by looking at your current campaigns can you spot when you are talking to and when you are talking at your potential customers?

So now you are in Customer facing mode, here are the 4 common L’s of creating a campaign you should be using: -

1. Lead Capture

Essential to any lead generation campaign is lead capture. Without it you can’t further communicate/ re-market with your audience. You are now fighting against serial spammers, over used campaigns and attention seekers that have destroyed the market. What was once a nice, easy way of signing up to get something you wanted has turned into a field of chaos and disorder. They all want your data, they all want to market to you, it’s the only way they know!

But stay strong to your values, showcase your genuine self and showcase how you can benefit the customer and you will still be able to convert.

2. Lead Magnets

Lead Magnets are normally value campaigns where you offer great value like calls, materials, e-books in exchange for data, all with the aim of nurturing that lead into a sale.

Here’s where you need to think hard about your campaign, if you do collect data then only market if the contact has given you permission to do so and only the information they have asked for. It will be very tempting to start offering other products and services but that contact signed in for a specific reason, so it’s your job to fulfil that need.

3. Landing Page Conversions

Landing pages give you the chance to build a page that has conversion at the front of mind. Where website pages might need to think more about an overall strategy, landing pages tend to be about one specific topic, product, service. This means you can really hone down on helping the customer to understand what you are offering and most importantly how it benefits them.

Once built you will need to watch the conversions, making tweaks along the way. CTA’s in the wrong place, wrong message, over text heavy, is business focused (the list goes on). You will have created traffic from emails/ socials etc. to this very page so make the campaign a success by recognising that this is the key page and treat it like royalty.

4. Lead Scoring

Easily the one that gets missed time and time again. Lead Scoring is what allows you to qualify the customer and tweak campaigns. Setting metrics against the contact as to where they fit in your sales process will focus your mind, naturally bring more sales because of that focus but essentially allow you to give your customers a journey with you that they will enjoy.

Lead Scoring works by giving points for each important factor that you see in a perfect connection. It could be location, age, industry, position, revenues or it could be actions taken like website visits, forms clicked, downloads taken etc. You then move those with the higher points to a warmer list, where you market as needed on a 1-2-1 basis.

So to recap, you communicate to your customers by showing them the benefits of how you products and services can help them in their business. You build campaigns that have a purpose like data capture, these campaigns have a landing page that you constantly review, tweaking as needed. Finally when customers sign up, you treat them well by personalising the journey and understanding where they fit in your business right now. If they are ready to buy great, if they aren’t then build a nurture campaign to help them get there.


Optimise Your Marketing was built to help businesses with their online marketing, rather than one lead funnel we focus on all, after all who says your customer isn’t on certain socials or doesn’t search a specific phrase. Thanks for reading, please do look through more of the pages for help or alternatively the team are always here for a call :)